You might have seen this update from Corey Romero @vCommunityGuy on the vExpert Blog – but Applications for 2nd half of 2021 are coming up!
vExpert 2021 Second Half Applications (Update)
I’ve written a few times over the past year (and years) about the vExpert Program herg, which gives you some fairly good guidance of ‘how to get started’ this makes it easier at least, so I don’t need to rehash and re-write all of that information from scratch!
加入VMware vExpert计划,让您的国家和社区感到自豪!
Meet Worldwide VMware vExperts and how to join next year!
My lessons learned through 12 years in the VMware #vExpert Program
In addition to these helpful blog posts and my sharing about the VMware vExpert PRO Program in the past, there are two additional ways to engage with vExpert Pro’s and get on the road to preparation and success.
There is a new vCommunity sponsored vExpert Community on Facebook which includes Mentorship and resources to use on your road to pursuit and success.

While this “About” taken from the page is pretty straightforward … Well, it’s pretty straightforward 🙂 So go check out the group if you’re an active Facebook user, and looking to take steps toward pursuing your vExpert!
We also know, not EVERYBODY uses Facebook, so there’s also a helpful LinkedIn Group you can take advantage of!
The VMware vExpert “VM vExpertPRO” group on LinkedIN!

These are just a handful of resources you can pursue. You can always reach out to a vExpert, including myself with how you can profile your pursuits of the past 6 months to a year, or if you’re looking at building your community engagement level and don’t know where to start, don’t hesitate to reach out. As a VMware vExpertPRO My focus has been in the domestic Americas, Africa and APAC regions, with added emphasis on Mainland China and South Korea. You don’t HAVE to be in any of those locations… you can be anywhere on the planet! I tend to typically engage in English, but if you’re passionate enough to pursue this designation, I’m passionate enough to engage with you in your preferred language to the best of my translation ability!
Now get out there and get ready to apply! The days are counting down! Can’t wait to see your applications over the next few months!
Oh yea, feel free to hit me up on twitter @cxi or Facebook, or LinkedIn, or wherever.