
Defeating the Trickbot

Defeating the Trickbot Webinar for Healthcare and Beyond 13 November 2020!

This Friday, 13 November 2020 some of my friends at VMware will be hosting a Webinar surrounding the latest Banking Trojan/Malware Dropper/whatever else it really wants to be called. However as some of you in Healthcare may have noticed, this originally a ‘banking trojan’ has started to be used to target Healthcare! And to be honest, I don’t see Utilities as too far behind as far as attack vectors go.

So if you are in Healthcare, or Banking, or Utility, or really… responsible for any aspect of IT Infrastructure, Security or Operations, this should be a good use of your time to attend. I’ll be joining ya’ll too! <3

加入VMware vExpert计划,让您的国家和社区感到自豪!

到2020年有90天。随着2021年新的一年开始,VMware vExpert程序将有一个应用程序流程。 如果您阅读我的文章“满足全球VMware vExperts以及明年如何加入!”,您可能已经注意到中国大陆有4个vExperts。现在是使自己,社区和国家自豪的时候。 现在该向最近结束的VMworld会议学习。可以根据需要访问大约930个会话。 我对VMware vExpert计划充满热情,VMware vExpert Pro希望鼓励您加入我们的计划。 您可以在这里了解我的12年历史和经验。 该计划非常有益,因为它为您提供了提高自己,受教育水平和职业的好处。您可以帮助提高个人,专业和技术社区的质量和知识。 如果您正在创建文章或博客文章,则会发现您已经非常适合该程序。有关您的经历的视频或文章。在会议或活动中讲话。或做其他与他人共享知识的事情,同时也使自己成为技术领域的从业者或专家。 如果您今天不参加这些活动,但是想要并学习如何在将来更好地加入该计划,那么这对于获得指导以发展并成为社区的拥护者也非常有用。 吸收这些知识并与您的技术兄弟姐妹分享,以便我们扩大社区并共同学习。 加油! 谢谢

time travel, black hole, singularity

VMware vRealize Cloud Universal is the Singularity of Cloud Operations!

Welcome to the VMware vRealize Cloud Universal Universe! (cue theme song from Kimpossible) Let’s jump straight in because here on the first day of VMworld you’re going to have so much going on! The Key Attributes of VMware vRealize Cloud Universal are: SaaS Suite of vRealize Offerings Hybrid Subscription One License – I repeat, ONE …

VMware vRealize Cloud Universal is the Singularity of Cloud Operations! Read More »