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Take Action Now: 10 Days in, 90 Days Left until 2021!

If you remember from my previous post, There Are 100 Days Left Until 2021! Time For Real Actions Not Resolutions!

A number of us have decided that we will take action every day (Action, not resolutions) to do something, every day for 100 days! It’s a great way to finish out the rest of 2020 and kick us off into 2021 as strong as we possibly can! Being that I am 10 days and 10% of the way into this Journey, I thought I would share some updates on my progress!


The plan was for 1 Situp and 1 Pushup every day, incrementing by 1 each day. I can personally attest to doing ALL or MORE of my Situps every single day! And I can attest to doing EXACTLY as many Pushups as have been required each day. Perhaps that may change and I’ll do more… but At this time… I’ll take what I can get!

I personally planned to fill ALL 3 rings on my Apple Watch every single day for 100 days. 10 Days in, and let me tell you…

And I also planned to walk at LEAST 100 steps for each day. Which I seem to be hitting in stride.

I know some might say, “You know, walking 100 steps, to 1000 steps all the way up to 10,000 steps isn’t that hard”

And I agree it isn’t supposed to be “hard” per se, it is supposed to be consistent and something you accomplish. Not something that you’re so overwhelmed by the task that you do it one or two days and then blow it off for 100 days. It may get harder as the time goes on, well, it WILL get harder, after all it will get progressively greater EVERY single day! But we’re working at it. Myself, and everyone else who is doing this as well!


In addition to these Fitness level pursuits, I’ve also be planning to write at least 100 articles in 100 days. The plan is to do them every day, but sometimes things happen like, traveling on the weekend, or having something written but being unable to publish it due to an Embargo. So this one is not nearly as strict.

Though as you can see… This one is not only on track it’s a little ahead of schedule as my writing isn’t usually “Time driven” but more “event driven” like that Windows XP Source Code leak (alleged). I couldn’t have PLANNED that 🙂

And lastly has been, perhaps closer to the Fitness pursuit above, and it is a health pursuit of sorts. And I can comfortably say I’ve been eating healthier every single day of these 100 days of action, and we’ll see how that progresses.

The 21/90 Rule:

The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to form a habit, and 90 days to make a permanent lifestyle change

The true intention behind all of this isn’t actually to establish any lifestyle changes, or habits, or anything.. it’s not very serious… It’s just consistent and supported by others in our community to help encourage us along. If habits form along the way, oh no. I guess we’ll have to deal with that then! With there still being 90 days remaining, you can get in on this and get your own habits and lifestyle changes formed… So join us!